Now you as our partner have the opportunity to set
your expectations of us. We, in turn, set forth our requirements for
our investment in your company. Typically this follows a pattern where
Software Genesis, instead of being paid for each hour of work, vests
into partial ownership of your company as the work is completed. What
portion of the compensation for Software Genesis will be direct
payment, as opposed to a share in the business that results from the
successful product?
Software Genesis typically develops software at our
cost, and therefore does not see profit unless and until the resulting
product becomes successful. In view of this, you as our partner must
provide proof of funding to cover at least our development costs.
In addition, the creation of a partnership requires
the detailing of how the partnership will play out over the long term.
We’re not just developing a product and then disappearing; we’re
investing in your company. As a result, we must be able to have a
voice in that company’s ongoing operation. Frequently this includes
naming a Software Genesis employee to the board of your company.